[LRUG] Links from last night - charts, REST, and more

David Townsend toonsend at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 09:02:39 PDT 2007

Someone also recommended

"How I Explained REST to My Wife"


On 3/13/07, Martin Sadler <mtsbtt at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Several people asked for these links in chats that followed last
> nights meeting
> so I thought i'd post to the list so that everybody might benefit.
> The first up is a rather nifty Chart library for Ruby/Rails called
> ChartDirector:
> http://www.advsofteng.com/
> It's extremely comprehensive and easy to use. Outputs in all popular
> graphics
> formats, there is no reliance on RMagick or third party lib.
> The only catch it that it is not free but pricing is very reasonable
> (~ £50 to start)
> and the licensing is not that restrictive either
> Second is  SimplyPresentable: http://simply_presentable.richcollins.net/
> It does away with masses of functional helpers in Rails and allows
> you to do things like:
>    <%= link_to 'Show Foo', present(@foo).url %>
> Thus greatly simplifying your views.
> And finally a few quick ones:
> Acts as Enumerated - Use virtual to save having loads of skeleton
> models sitting in your models dir
> http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/acts_as_enumerated
> RESTful Rails development - one of the best guides to REST for Rails
> http://www.b-simple.de/documents
> Interview with Rich Collins the author of SimplyPresentable (this is
> how I found out about SP)
> http://weblog.workingwithrails.com/2007/3/13/hackfest-winner-
> interviews-rich-collins
> Martin.
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