[LRUG] May Meeting...

Tim Becker tim.becker at gmx.net
Fri Apr 4 04:17:37 PDT 2008

Hi Everyone,

sorry to jump ahead to the May meeting when the April one hasn't even
take place yet, but I'll be in London May 9-13 and was excited to find
out that the LRUG Meeting should take place on the 12th. Unless of
course I'm mistaken.

If I'm not, I'd apprecite it if you'll reserve a little slot for me to
hold a presentation. Can't tell you yet what it'll be about, because
it's something I'll premiere at Rupy in Poznan next weekend if they
let me, else, I guess London will be the premiere. Just this much: it
has to do with meta and metameta and self-referentiality and
monkey-patching (all the stuff that Ruby programmers like but are
bored to death of seeing presentations about) but with a twist.

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to meeting the London Community,
See you in May,

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