[LRUG] Invitation to join a Nike+ challenge: Run 100 miles in 10 months

Robert McKinnon rob_m_mckinnon at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 26 07:32:57 PST 2008

I decided to never buy Nike products after Nike Inc argued in Kasky v.
Nike for the 'First Amendment' right to lie. I recall the case being a
big deal at the time. Nike was defending against a claim that it was in
violation of false advertising laws. Specifically Nike was accused of
stating in public communications it wasn't using sweat-shop labour,
when evidence showed it was.

If Nike had won, they would have set a precedent allowing ALL
corporations the legal right to lie when communicating with the public
in the US.


Besides, been swimming instead - lower impact exercise ;)


--- Tom Ward <tom at popdog.net> wrote:

> I appreciate this isn't strictly speaking on topic, but surely one of
> the goals of LRUG is to promote a healthy ruby community, right?
> James Adam, Jon Lim and myself all jog with Nike+ kits to try and
> keep
> fit.  To try and motivate ourselves to keep going, we're setting up a
> (pretty easy) challenge: run 100 miles in 10 months, starting on the
> 1st March and ending the 31st December.
> If you'd like to join our challenge, to help motivate us all to keep
> fit, let me know your nike+ username and I'll invite anyone that
> asks.
> The main challenge isn't a race, just a long term distance target,
> though I'm also creating challenges for longest distance and fastest
> mile each month just to keep things interesting.  So don't be put off
> by the speed you run or the distance you go.  We're crap too.
> Tom
> P.S. Last year we did the same challenge: only Jon actually managed
> it.
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