[LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do

Chris Parsons chris at edendevelopment.co.uk
Tue Apr 7 07:03:08 PDT 2009

On 7 Apr 2009, at 14:43, Anthony Green wrote:

> I have a lot of sympathy with [Murray's] point of view.
> Conversley my experience of meeting people at Scotland on Rails was
> sufficiently positive to think 'it doesn't have to be like this'.

How many specifically ruby shops are there around the UK which are  
like Murray described? I know plenty of web shops in general are like  
this, but I was under the impression that the standard is higher in  
Rubyland. Perhaps not.

> It was also why I felt something like Obie's RMM concept would be
> interesting if it could force a change in company culture.

Here we go :) It'd be great if it did. Perhaps I'm too cynical - I  
just feel it'll be doomed to failure unless it's peer led, owned by  
the community, and not just driven by 'who you know'.


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