April 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 07:06:08 PDT 2009
Ending: Wed Apr 29 01:26:29 PDT 2009
Messages: 190
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
James Adam
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
James Adam
- [LRUG] It's a sunny day outside...
James Adam
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
James Adam
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
James Adam
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
James Andrews
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
James Andrews
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Tom Armitage
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Tom Armitage
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Stephen Bartholomew
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Stephen Bartholomew
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Stephen Bartholomew
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Paul Battley
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Paul Battley
- [LRUG] TONIGHT: LRUG Nights Episode #15: Thief in the Night
Mitch Buchannon
- [LRUG] [LRUG-NIGHTS] Episode 16: The Curator
Mitch Buchannon
- [LRUG] (Possibly O/T) SICP Meetups
Piers Cawley
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
James Coglan
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
James Coglan
- [LRUG] Rails marketability
Mark Coleman
- [LRUG] Action
Tim Cowlishaw
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Tim Cowlishaw
- [LRUG] Development methodologies (Was: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Tim Cowlishaw
- [LRUG] (Possibly O/T) SICP Meetups
Tim Cowlishaw
- [LRUG] Love for a lesser-known ruby project: Webby
Aimee Daniells
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Paul Doerwald
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Mike Evans
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Mike Evans
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Andrew France
- [LRUG] Last night's LRUG
Jon Gilbraith
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] PragProg re-release My Job Went to India
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] PragProg re-release My Job Went to India
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] JRuby and the Permanent Generation
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Job Ads
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] David Black ¹ s Ruby 1.9 Video Tutorials
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Hash-bloomin-rocket
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] Hash-bloomin-rocket
Anthony Green
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Tim Harding
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Action
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Action
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Rails marketability
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Rails marketability
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] PragProg re-release My Job Went to India
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] PragProg re-release My Job Went to India
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] (Possibly O/T) SICP Meetups
Vahagn Hayrapetyan
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Gareth Humphries
- [LRUG] Fwd: [java-170] Android User Group @ SkillsMatter!
Makoto Inoue
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Matthew Rudy Jacobs
- [LRUG] Last night's LRUG
Paul Jensen
- [LRUG] Last night's LRUG
Peter Jones
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Martin Kleppmann
- [LRUG] Last night's LRUG
Martin Kleppmann
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Thomas R. Koll
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Thomas R. Koll
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Sebastian Komianos
- [LRUG] iPhone App & Ruby Book Giveaway and London PreDevCamp
Sebastian Komianos
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Matt Kydd
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Matt Kydd
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Matt Kydd
- [LRUG] [JOB] Reevoo needs an intern / summer job person
Tom Lea
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Jon Lim
- [LRUG] [OT] Calling All Runners
Jon Lim
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Sam Livingston-Gray
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Johnathan Loggie
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Johnathan Loggie
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Johnathan Loggie
- [LRUG] Love for a lesser-known ruby project: Webby
Chris Lowis
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Daniel Lucraft
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Daniel Lucraft
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Andrew McDonough
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] GoRuKo 2009
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Action
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Development methodologies (Was: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Development methodologies (Was: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Eleanor McHugh
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Chris Mear
- [LRUG] Ruby/Rails developer required
Alastair Mucklow
- [LRUG] Hash-bloomin-rocket
Pierre Nel
- [LRUG] [JOB] Junior Rails developer Soho
David Nolan
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Sean O'Halpin
- [LRUG] Introducing Pfeed plugin, automagically create fancy logs / activity updates in your rails app
Abhishek Parolkar
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Action
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Development methodologies (Was: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Development methodologies (Was: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Rails marketability
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] [JOB] Rails Developers Wanted
Chris Parsons
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Richard Patching
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Richard Patching
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Richard Patching
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Richard Patching
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Alvaro Perez
- [LRUG] JRuby on Rails on GAE/J
Robert Rees
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Chris Roos
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Chris Roos
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Martin Sadler
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Martin Sadler
- [LRUG] GoRuKo 2009
Abdel A Saleh
- [LRUG] [LRUG-NIGHTS] Episode 16: The Curator
David Salgado
- [LRUG] Ruby Coding Dojo at Skillsmatter
Ivan Sanchez
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Important to be a graduate? (was Re: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Job Ads
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Last night's LRUG
Murray Steele
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] [OT:Apache] Mapping multiple domains to different controllers?
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Andrew Stewart
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Tom Stuart
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Tom Stuart
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Tom Taylor
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Tom Ward
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Dan Webb
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Dan Webb
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Dan Webb
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Dan Webb
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Dan Webb
- [LRUG] David Black ¹ s Ruby 1.9 Video Tutorials
Dan Webb
- [LRUG] Development methodologies (Was: Code samples: To do or not to do)
Matthew Westcott
- [LRUG] Announcements on LRUG
Paul Wilson
- [LRUG] Desperately seeking...
Matt Wynne
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Alex Young
- [LRUG] Geocoding and form submission
Alex Young
- [LRUG] Code samples: To do or not to do
Luis Correa d'Almeida
- [LRUG] It's a sunny day outside...
Luis Correa d'Almeida
- [LRUG] [JOB] Would you believe it, yet another Rails dev wanted
Luis Correa d'Almeida
- [LRUG] [OT] Calling All Runners
thomas pomfret
- [LRUG] To do or not to do
ruby-people at ruby-people.com
Last message date:
Wed Apr 29 01:26:29 PDT 2009
Archived on: Fri May 31 21:07:32 PDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).