[LRUG] Looking to the future: January and February

Matt Wynne matt at mattwynne.net
Thu Jan 15 02:59:39 PST 2009

On 4 Jan 2009, at 11:40, Matthew Rudy Jacobs wrote:

> I miss the golden days of the breakpointer, they were beautiful.
> But ruby-debug is great too.
> Watch the railscast from last year -
> http://media.railscasts.com/videos/054_debugging_rails.mov
> and you'll realise it's not such a black art.
> It's a really good short video.

Thanks for this, Matthew, it broke the ice and I'm liking having a new  
tool in my box.

Is it possible to use ruby-debug to break when a variable changes,  
like using watches in an IDE?

Matt Wynne

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