[LRUG] First post

Anthony Green email at acgreen.co.uk
Fri Jul 10 22:48:16 PDT 2009

On 11/07/2009 00:46, "Riccardo Tacconi" <rtacconi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello to everyone,
> I have just registered now. I am a PHP programmer, with some knowledge of
> Java and other languages. I am interested to find a good web development
> language/framework. After a long research, I saw that the most advanced are
> Rail and Grails. 

Really ? Better than Django or Seaside or ... ?

To me this is another sign of a kind of 'Pails culture' PHP developers
bringing their old school thinking into the Ruby on Rails

I like Rails because I like Ruby.

Yahuda Katz gave a good answer 'Why is Ruby more suitable for Rails than
Python?' on stackoverflow  http://bit.ly/KYWUm
I also found the audio of an excellent talk David A Black at Scotland on
Rails 08 comparing his journey with Ruby with his training as a classical
celloist. Its not about one language vs another its about you as a developer
striving to excel. Its available on iTunes I urge you to go listen to it.

I love the Ruby committee because of the people in it: both Daves, Katz, Jim
and Joe, Jay Fields, Sean the list goes on, their passion and love of the
language their generosity in passing on what they know. Look for that in
whatever programming community you choose Riccardo and you'll learn a whole
lot more about good web development.


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