[LRUG] Analogue Blog roundup: Nov '09

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 01:59:50 PST 2009

Hi all,

Stuff that was mentioned last night in the analogue blog portions of
the meeting:

* I mentioned Rubyists.eu - a project whose goal seems to be to get a
single site where all the European Ruby user groups can publish info.
It's new and if people wanted to get involved and let me know what
needs doing to the lrug.org site to help them out (calendar feeds,
rss, etc...) that might be fun.  Also it's probably a good learning
project if you want to learn sinatra. http://rubyists.eu/

* James and Kalv talked about community involvement for Ruby Manor.
Yes, the current batch of tickets are sold out, but more will be made
available once all the speakers are chosen.  Even if you can't come
you should get involved to shape the talks as we'll be making
everything available afterwards and you can still benefit.

* Gerhard Lazu spoke about a some scripts he's been writing to make
running torrents on a server easier, and for getting the downloads
that you've torrented (Red Hat distributions I assume...) onto your
main desktop/laptop.  The code isn't available yet, but he promises
it'll be up on github once it's polished off.  If you pester Gerhard
I'm sure it'll appear on his github account
(http://github.com/gerhard) at some point.

* Ivan Kocienski announced a site he's developed for geek dating
called geek seeker.  There's only 11 profiles on there at the moment,
but maybe there'll be more if you all visit it:

* If you're more interested in building dating sites than using them
Martin Sadler pointed out that the company he works for, White Label
Dating, is hiring.  It sounds like they're doing some interesting
stuff so pester Martin if you're interested.

* Some guy (really sorry, but I didn't catch your name!) announced the
release of Rango, an alternative web framework for ruby that's heavily
inspired by Django.  http://github.com/botanicus/rango

* Pavel Kunc gave hope to any merbists in the room by pointing out
that work on Merb is still going on and that they'd just released a
new verison: 1.0.15 http://wiki.github.com/merb/merb/release-1015 and
they have plans to keep doing so.  It's also been moved out of Yehuda
Katz's github account and into it's own one: http://github.com/merb/

* And finally, I mentioned that the date for the next meeting will be
on Wednesday 9th December and we'll need a speaker or two, or an idea
for something different.  Please get in touch if you have some ideas.
I won't actually be at the December meeting as I'm off to a gig, but
I'm happy to do the organising for it unless someone else fancies a


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