[LRUG] Stubbing Time.zone.now
Will Tomlins
will.tomlins at unboxedconsulting.com
Mon Aug 2 07:10:47 PDT 2010
I think because I'm passing it a block, it's returning itself when the
block has finished. I seem to be getting normal spec durations at the
moment, but I remember in a previous project we had some silly durations
- probably exactly this problem.
Will Tomlins
E: will.tomlins at unboxedconsulting.com
<mailto:will.tomlins at unboxedconsulting.com>
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On 02/08/2010 15:49, James Adam wrote:
> One thing to bear in mind with Timecop, particularly as your
> application grows, is remembering to add a teardown with
> Timecop.return in it; if you don't, the reported duration for running
> your tests/specs/whatever will be something crazy like 163526.1231
> seconds.
> - James
> On 2 August 2010 11:31, Will Tomlins<will.tomlins at unboxedconsulting.com> wrote:
>> Hi People,
>> "Timecop is great and makes all these problems go away."
>> Tom Stuart
>> C 2nd Aug 2010 AD
>> Thanks Paul and others, timecop did indeed make the problems go away.
>> Here's what I've done:
>> When /^At "([^\"]*)" I go to (.*)$/ do |time_string, page_name|
>> Timecop.travel(time_string) do
>> When "I go to #{page_name}"
>> end
>> end
>> So then I can call the step:
>> When At "10-10-2010 13:00:00" I go to the home page
>> And everything works perfectly.
>> Thanks people, I'll leave you with the obligatory (terrible) Timecop quote:
>> McComb: That's C-4. Not only will it turn this house into dust, but it will
>> also separate every part of you from every other part of you.
>> Will
>> On 02/08/2010 10:52, Paul Bowsher wrote:
>> Have you tried Timecop instead? http://github.com/jtrupiano/timecop
>> I'm using it (not within Cucumber, mind) and it works great.
>> Paul Bowsher
>> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Will Tomlins
>> <will.tomlins at unboxedconsulting.com> wrote:
>>> Hi People,
>>> I'm having a strange issue with stubbing time and I was wondering if
>>> anyone here could shed a little light on the issue.
>>> Firstly I am trying to stub Time.zone.now in Cucumber # Waits while the
>>> calls of "don't stub time in cucumber" die down #. So the feature I'm
>>> writing explicitly required different behaviour based on the current time,
>>> and I would like the language of the feature to reflect this.
>>> What I have at the moment:
>>> When /^I time-travel to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |time_string|
>>> time = Time.zone.parse(time_string)
>>> Time.zone.stub!(:now).and_return(time)
>>> end
>>> Then "I return to the present day" do
>>> Time.zone.unstub!(:now)
>>> end
>>> And my features go along these lines:
>>> When I time-travel to "2010/01/01 10:00:00"
>>> And I go to the home page
>>> Then I return to the present day
>>> And I've got 2 scenarios running which use these quantum leaps. Each
>>> scenario runs and passes when run on their own, but the second will fail if
>>> the two are run together. After a bit more digging I found that
>>> Time.zone.now cannot be stubbed if it has previously been unstubbed.
>>> Thus:
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.stub!(:now).and_return(:something)
>>> #<Proc:0x051b55a8@/Users/will/Sites/five-tv/vendor/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/mocks/message_expectation.rb:61>
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.now
>>> :something
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.stub!(:now).and_return(:something_else)
>>> #<Proc:0x051b55a8@/Users/will/Sites/five-tv/vendor/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/mocks/message_expectation.rb:61>
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.now
>>> :something_else
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.unstub!(:now)
>>> #<Spec::Mocks::MessageExpectation:0x512c5dc @at_most=nil,
>>> @exception_to_raise=nil, @args_to_yield_were_cloned=false.......
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.now
>>> Mon, 02 Aug 2010 10:28:56 BST +01:00
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.stub!(:now).and_return(:another_thing)
>>> #<Proc:0x051b55a8@/Users/will/Sites/five-tv/vendor/gems/rspec-1.3.0/lib/spec/mocks/message_expectation.rb:61>
>>> (rdb:1) Time.zone.now
>>> Mon, 02 Aug 2010 10:29:12 BST +01:00
>>> I have to unstub because the time stub seems to carry across scenarios.
>>> Has anyone else had this issue, or know of any other way to decently
>>> handle present time in cucumber?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Will
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