[LRUG] [OT] Recommended payment processors for ActiveMerchant

Joe Simms joesimms at notonthehighstreet.com
Fri Jan 22 09:12:34 PST 2010

I've worked alot with Paypoint.net and written an AM Gateway but haven't got round to publishing it yet. However, one word of warning, their API is an absolute mess.

If I could pick any Gateway now, I'd seriously consider Protx, their is an AM Gateway implementation and their API is nicely designed and pretty comprehensive.

Hope that helps.



On 22 Jan 2010, at 17:04, Glenn Gillen wrote:

> I've been dealing with SecureTrading (Andy Owens specifically). They've been great, but sadly require a java client to be installed to handle processing which won't work with Heroku.
> I didn't look into it much further, but I assume that means they probably wouldn't work seamlessly with ActiveMerchant either
> On 22 Jan 2010, at 16:32, Aleksandar Simic wrote:
>> See this regarding SagePay, 24h outage:
>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/09/sagepay_outage/
>> 2010/1/22 Tom Taylor <tom at tomtaylor.co.uk>:
>>> Slightly off topic...
>>> I'm at the end of my tether with Paypal Website Payments Pro.
>>> Does anyone have a good experience with a payment processor/merchant account service, that works with ActiveMerchant?
>>> I'm looking at Sage Pay <http://www.sagepay.com/> (previously called ProtX), but there are a few other UK services supported by ActiveMerchant, such as:
>>> * CardStream - http://www.cardstream.com/
>>> * RealEx - http://www.realexpayments.com/
>>> If you've got an opinion on any of these, I'd love to hear it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom
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