[LRUG] August approaches

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 02:50:27 PDT 2010

Hi El Rugistas,

Our August meeting will be on Monday, 9th August, in our usual Skills Matter
venue.  You can register for it here:

More details can be obtained on the super-duper, fancy-schmancy LRUG
website: ttp://lrug.org/meetings/2010/07/15/august-2010-meeting/

We've got one talk organised already for the August meeting: Tim Cowlishaw
and Chris O'Sullivan will be talking about how they've been adding all the
new stuff they've learnt about testing and app design to an older project.
 Ugh!  That's a terrible description, sorry Tim & Chris.  If you want a
better idea I suggest you have a look at the blurb on the site or the
original mailing list thread where Tim suggested it:

We're not out of the woods yet though, we need at least one more talk.
 Anyone got any ideas or anything they want to talk about, or know of
someone working on something that you'd like to hear about?

I find that I have good success if I just ask people to talk about something
they've been working on recently.  In order to do that I need to know who
has been working on something and what they've been working on.  To that
end, I'm working on something that'll scrape github and provide me with
people in london who have made commits to ruby projects recently.  Except
I'm pretty lazy so I don't expect this to be done any time soon.  Therefore
I need your help in finding those people working on stuff so I can approach
them.  Let me know, I'll do all the begging and wheedling, just give me the


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