[LRUG] Weather forecast for the February meeting: Lightning

Gerhard Lazu gerhard at lazu.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 08:27:25 PST 2011

I could do a talk about one of the following 2 subjects:

1. Crawling all Amazon book universe and keeping track of price changes.
Interesting bits would be Resque for the crawlers themselves, Redis for the
job queue and MongoDB for storage. Amazon is comprised of 6 instances btw,
so it's roughly 8 mil books x 6 = 48 mil items.

2. Automated Amazon purchasing. What do you do when you can't test your

Cheers, Gerhard.

You should follow me on Twitter <http://twitter.com/gerhardlazu>.
You can also try my Github <http://github.com/gerhard> and

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com>wrote:

> The February meeting will be on Monday 7th February.
> The calendar-obsessed will notice this is not the 2nd Monday, but if you
> work out the date for the 2nd Monday you'll see why we've moved it.  Normal
> service will resume in March (on the 14th (of March (2011 (as defined by the
> Gregorian calendar)))).
> As is now traditional, the February meeting will be our lightning talk
> evening.  For those who haven't been before, or don't remember, we use the
> 20x20 format for the talks.  The 20x20 format is:
> * You get 20 slides.
> * They must automatically transition after 20 seconds.
> * This gives you 6:40 to get your point across.
> We need at least 6 speakers to make the meeting feel like it's not too
> short, but we have time for up to 9 (maybe 10) if we minimize faffing on the
> night by doing all the talks off one laptop.
> In the pub last night I harangued a bunch of people to do one of these
> lightning talks and Roland Swingler said on this very list that he'd do one
> if we told him what we wanted him to talk about.  I reckon there are about 5
> or 6 "volunteers" already, but we still need more, not least because most of
> the folk I talked to in the pub will probably blame their enthusiasm on
> booze or admit that they only agreed to shut me up.
> Please volunteer!
> If you've not given a talk before the lightning talks are a great way to
> dip your toe in.  I did it last year and I really enjoyed it; the
> unforgiving nature of the presentation format actually helped focus me in
> writing the talk and made me rehearse it to make sure I didn't try to fit
> too much into each slide.  I heartily recommend it.
> Muz
> ps. Also suggest something for Roland to talk about.
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