[LRUG] [JOBS] Job Emails

Steve Buckley Steve.Buckley at VoltEurope.com
Wed Jan 18 05:32:41 PST 2012

I'll chime in here. Yes I'm a recruiter but I'm one of the nice ones.
I sent out a job advert here last week and had about 7 or 8 replies, 3 of which I've already forwarded to my client and it looks like all three are going to be interviewed.

If any fellow recruiters are reading this, I'll give you some advice:

*         Be specific. Fine, you don't want to disclose your clients name in case someone like me spots it and gets involved but that doesn't mean you can't disclose the info one to one should someone contact you directly. Anyone I've spoken to who's come to me through LRUG knows exactly what client is receiving their CV and knows exactly what rate they are being submitted at.

*         Know your stuff. I've put in some serious leg work on Hacker News<http://news.ycombinator.org/user?id=Peroni> as well as my blog<http://voltsteve.blogspot.com/> and worked hard to build my name as a recruiter who does more than just keyword matching.

*         Keep it relevant. If you have a role that is of interest to Rubyists, specify why in the email.

*         Don't assume that LRUG is a cash cow. LRUG is a close-knit community and there are some hugely talented people participating but they are also seasoned professionals, most of which are disenfranchised by recruiters as a rule. If you are going to try and recruit people from the community, build some relationships first. I have a few close friends that are LRUG members and I respect the community by only sending out relevant positions.

The fact is, LRUG is similar to Hacker News in the sense that recruiters are generally ignored but if they see that you show a legitimate interest and understanding of the technology then you may get access to a fantastic and vibrant community.

Now, how do I get down from this rather high horse?


From: chat-bounces at lists.lrug.org [mailto:chat-bounces at lists.lrug.org] On Behalf Of Jason Green
Sent: 18 January 2012 13:21
To: London Ruby Users Group
Subject: [LRUG] [JOBS] Job Emails

Has anyone actually been successful in recruiting from a job advert on the list in the last 6 months?

Jason Green
jason.green at nogeek.org<mailto:jason.green at nogeek.org>


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