[LRUG] Rhodes / AppMobi / Titanium

Riccardo Tacconi rtacconi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 09:38:14 PST 2012

Some guys I know are using Phone Gap, so you can develop with JavaScript
and compile the app in the native application you want.

On 19 January 2012 18:30, Aleksandar Simic <asimic at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Jason Green <jason.green at nogeek.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Rhodes / Appmobi /
> > Titanium and what they preferred?
> > Appmobi seems to be a bit slow on older phones and Titanium seemed a
> little
> > bit of a mess last time I used it, but it has probably come on since
> then? I
> > haven't had any experience of Rhodes but it does look quick cool.
> >
> > I am looking for something that provides a super quick experience for the
> > end user, but is quick to get out cross platform. Any ideas much
> appreciated
> > :-)
> Hi Jason,
> I've used Rhodes on Blackberry phones, fairly newer models.
> The main reason I chose it was because it looked so similar to Rails
> and you get to write Ruby (in ERB templates). But in the end all it
> does is creates a native web server, that is embedded within the app
> that serves the pages. The load time is noticeable, while the web
> server loads up. It is only a few seconds, but ... it isn't native,
> and the interface is all web pages.
> The slug the framework produces is about 1.9MB in size, compared to
> <100KB a native app would. 1.8MB is there constantly plus your app.
> Hope this helps,
> Alex
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Riccardo Tacconi
Ruby on Rails and PHP development - System Administration

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