[LRUG] London Ruby Dojo (and DoJunior!)

Andrew Chaa andrew.chaa at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jan 25 00:18:18 PST 2012

No problem. "Interactive book" sounds interesting. I will let you know how it goes with me. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 25 Jan 2012, at 08:00 AM, Sidu Ponnappa <ckponnappa at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> I'd love to have your feedback on our interactive book, "The Ruby
> Primer,"[1] because it's targeted at folks like you that are already
> experienced programmers and are looking to learn Ruby. The book is
> both free and openly editable on Github[2] like any open source
> project via pull requests, so if you feel something should be done
> differently, just send us a pull request.
> We're also planning to write "The Ruby Initiate" fairly soon, which
> will be a interactive book for non-programmers looking to learn
> programming through Ruby, and am very interested in what everyone
> thinks are good topics for such a book.
> Regards,
> Sidu Ponnappa.
> http://c42.in
> http://sidu.in
> [1] http://rubymonk.com
> [2] https://github.com/c42/ruby_primer
> On 24 January 2012 22:59, Andrew Chaa <andrew.chaa at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi, guys.
>> My name is Andrew and I use C# everyday at work, but got recently fascinated
>> by Ruby and Rails.
>> I finished Ruby Koans, and now am learning Rails by following the Pragmatic
>> Bookshelf's "Agile Web Development with Rails"
>> As I am new to Ruby, I believe this will be a fantastic opportunity for me
>> to get really into Ruby and am looking forward to it.
>> Many thanks Sidekick Studios for this.
>> Kind regards
>> Andrew
>> ________________________________
>> From: Alistair Roche <alistair at sidekickstudios.net>
>> To: chat at lists.lrug.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 10:22
>> Subject: [LRUG] London Ruby Dojo (and DoJunior!)
>> Hello Rubyists!
>> We’re hosting a Ruby Coding Dojo at our studio (
>> http://sidekickstudios.net ) in Old Street every Thursday at 6pm,
>> starting from the 26th. We’ll pick a challenge, and then split into
>> teams and try to come up with interesting solutions. Afterwards we’ll
>> compare, contrast and review. And go to the pub.
>> Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a Ruby novice or expert, and the
>> beer is most definitely on us. It’ll be fun, and you’ll keep your
>> brain sharp.
>> At the same time, we’ll be running DoJunior, where kids pair up with
>> developers and build awesome web apps. The world needs more coders,
>> and our schools aren’t teaching the real stuff. We’re working with
>> local youth organisations to make sure we reach kids who wouldn’t
>> otherwise have the funds, contacts or confidence to get this
>> opportunity.
>> Anyone who wants to help mentor and teach the next generation of
>> hackers should get in touch with us, or just rock up to our studio
>> Thursday at 6pm.
>> There won't be any kids this week, just the dojo and a chance for
>> anyone interested in DoJunior to find out more and get involved.
>> We’re right next to Old Street Station:
>> Sidekick Studios
>> Third Floor, Fergusson House, 124-128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NJ
>> http://g.co/maps/b7ena
>> Can’t wait to hear from you or see you.
>> Cheers,
>> Alistair (resident geek) and Lara (community manager) @ Sidekick Studios
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