[LRUG] First post (about managing remote developers) [OT]

Ronny Ager-Wick ronny at ager-wick.com
Thu Jun 28 21:22:56 PDT 2012

Ryan, hiring remote developers is a mine field, as many will tell you. 
Some developers, regardless of location, are extremely good, but not 
everyone. If you're unlucky, you may spend more money getting less done 
than you would hiring a local developer. Unfortunately though, although 
the proximity makes it more likely to work out, even that is not a 
guarantee for success.
 From my experience (which includes managing a number of developers, 
most of them great, but far from all), working with people you don't 
know yet, a short feedback cycle is essential. For example, you could 
ask for a list of things they plan to do the next day to be sent to you 
at the end of their working day, as well as a list of things they 
accomplished that day. Comparing the to-do list from yesterday with the 
accomplished list today should give you an idea of whether something is 
happening. The principle is similar to scrum, but of course modified to 
fit the situation.
You should also have access to their git repository (assuming that's 
what they use - normally it is), so that you can pull (download) the 
changes in the code whenever you want. Insist on pushing code at least 
daily (temporary development can be pushed to a separate branch). If you 
don't know how to use git, learn at least enough to download the latest 
changes (git pull), review the log (git log), and see what changes has 
been done on each commit (every time they add new code). The last bit 
can be done with git diff, but you may benefit from using a graphical 
program for that, such as Qgit (I'm sure there are many others, and it 
may not work on other platforms - I use Linux). If you have doubts that 
they're actually delivering much, at least you can see for yourself what 
code has changed. Please note that programming high level languages is 
more about thinking than typing, so a low character count is not 
necessarily a proof that they do almost nothing. But a 0 character count 
many days in a row almost certainly is :)
You should also use a task management system, which allows both of you 
to comment on tasks and allows the developer(s) to indicate what they're 
working on and what's finished. You do have defined tasks (stories, 
features, ...), don't you?

Some developers will likely react to this level of micro-management 
(although it's not really management, as they tell you what they will 
do, not vice versa - micro-monitoring maybe). I will have to warn you 
that while applying rules and regulations for how work should be done 
probably will scare away a large number of the less desirable people, it 
is also likely to scare away the best ones (at least if you throw the 
rules in their faces as soon as you meet). I'd try first, like you 
already did, to see if they can manage without your regime.
No situations and no developers are exactly the same so there may be a 
number of reasons for them refusing to follow this scheme, or for 
agreeing but later on simply ignoring it. It could be that they know 
they would be caught not doing much, but it could also be that they are 
so experienced with self management that they find this degree of 
monitoring unnecessary and annoying. Just like Ruby, both control and 
freedom are double edged swords (although Ruby is more like a chain saw 
 From my experience though, a lot of good developers impose a similar 
routine on themselves anyway and may even suggest it to you, as well as 
imposing rules on *you* to make sure you're constantly in the feedback 
loop and they don't have to stop work because of lack of information 
from you.

It's a difficult balance - software development management is not as 
easy as it seems... Besides, if there was a solution that worked in all 
cases, I'm sure you could just google it and find the fool proof answer 
right away :)

I wish you good luck!

Ryan Kalish wrote:
> Hi All
> This is my first message. I've heard great things about this community.
> I'm trying to launch a ruby based web startup, currently bootstrapping
> an ecommerce idea which I believe can be highly profitable soon after
> launch. I have employed a freelance rails developer based in Pakistan
> through Odesk. He has been working for six weeks but progress has been
> slow. I am not a developer so its difficult for me to know if I'm just
> being impatient.
> I would be very interested to meet with London based rails developers
> to discuss the project, look at what this guy is doing and maybe find
> someone to work with on this.
> Please get in touch!
> Ryan
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