[LRUG] Upgrading a Rails v2.1.2

Nick Tabernacle nick at epcess.co.uk
Mon Mar 5 06:59:31 PST 2012

This helped me move up to rails 3:


Obviously a lot of other work needs doing but it's a good place to start.
With an app that big I don't envy you! 


Beo Ltd
M: 07515653219
E:  Nick at beo.so 

-----Original Message-----
From: chat-bounces at lists.lrug.org [mailto:chat-bounces at lists.lrug.org] On
Behalf Of Chris Waters
Sent: 05 March 2012 14:52
To: chat at lists.lrug.org
Subject: [LRUG] Upgrading a Rails v2.1.2


I've got a pretty large application (200ish model classes, 100ish
controllers) that's been running happily(ish) for about 4 years now.

It is Rails 2.1.2 running against Ruby 1.8.7.  It feels as though it is time
that we brought things up-to-date as things are starting to creak.

To my mind, there are 2 options;
* we upgrade to v2.3.4 and be happy with that for now
* or continue on from 2.3.4 and go the whole hog and get to v3.2

One thing that is looming in the background is that the test coverage 
is, er, not 100% and that a lot of the code has been written a long time 
ago by coders who are no longer here.

I'm assuming that the upgrade to 2.3.4 should be reasonably straight 
forward, and that the big leap to 3.2 is likely to hurt more.

Anyone get any words of advice?  Is it worth the pain?  How many people 
out there are still running against 2.1.2?

Thanks for any comments/help


Chris Waters
Lead Developer
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