[LRUG] Upgrading a Rails v2.1.2

Andrew Stewart boss at airbladesoftware.com
Mon Mar 5 07:04:02 PST 2012

On 5 Mar 2012, at 15:52, Chris Waters wrote:
> I've got a pretty large application (200ish model classes, 100ish controllers) that's been running happily(ish) for about 4 years now.

Aside from upgrading Rails, you'll need to consider upgrading Ruby.  If you're contemplating Rails 3.2 you may as well go for Ruby 1.9.3-p125.

A couple of months ago I upgraded from Rails 2.3.4 / REE-something to Rails 3.0.8 / Ruby 1.9.3-p0.  It was painful but, in the end, worth it.

I did an in-place upgrade rather than generating a new app skeleton and moving code across.  I'd do the same again.

Good luck!

Andy Stewart


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