[LRUG] March Meeting Testing Appendix

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 03:42:31 PDT 2012

On 13 March 2012 00:15, Anthony Green <anthony.green at bbc.co.uk> wrote:

> Links to further reading to some of the topics that were touched on
> tonight:
> Pretotyping
> -----------
> http://www.pretotyping.org
> Programmer Anarchy
> ------------------
> http://www.infoq.com/**presentations/Leaner-**Programmer-Anarchy<http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Leaner-Programmer-Anarchy>
> Growing Object Orientated Software Guided By Tests
> ------------------------------**--------------------
> http://www.growing-object-**oriented-software.com<http://www.growing-object-oriented-software.com>
> http://www.natpryce.com/**articles.html<http://www.natpryce.com/articles.html>
> Behaviour Driven Development
> ----------------------------
> Liz Keogh's definitive guide:
> http://www.slideshare.net/**lunivore/behavior-driven-**
> development-11754474<http://www.slideshare.net/lunivore/behavior-driven-development-11754474>
> and writing about Chris Matts' notion of feature injection:
> http://www.infoq.com/articles/**pulling-power<http://www.infoq.com/articles/pulling-power>
> JB Rainsberger on how to split features
> http://www.jbrains.ca/**permalink/how-youll-probably-**
> learn-to-split-features<http://www.jbrains.ca/permalink/how-youll-probably-learn-to-split-features>
> Modular Design
> --------------
> or how a solid code base can be arrived through design principles and
> judicious refactoring as Marcus pointed out
> http://www.markhneedham.com/**blog/2011/05/11/xp-2011-j-b-**
> rainsberger-a-simple-approach-**to-modular-design<http://www.markhneedham.com/blog/2011/05/11/xp-2011-j-b-rainsberger-a-simple-approach-to-modular-design>
> TDDing Spikes Away
> ------------------
> https://www.**destroyallsoftware.com/**screencasts/catalog/tdding-**
> spikes-away-with-rebase<https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/screencasts/catalog/tdding-spikes-away-with-rebase>
> Evaluating Customer Delight
> ---------------------------
> http://www.energizedwork.com/**weblog/2012/02/stop-pushing-**
> features-and-start-delighting-**users<http://www.energizedwork.com/weblog/2012/02/stop-pushing-features-and-start-delighting-users>
> http://www.energizedwork.com/**weblog/2012/02/measuring-**
> purpose-measuring-customer-**delight<http://www.energizedwork.com/weblog/2012/02/measuring-purpose-measuring-customer-delight>
Towards the end of the panel, Alex Speller (I think) mentioned a lack of
empirical evidence about TDD and development methodologies in general.  I
remember watching a talk about exactly this kind of thing late last year,
but for the life of me I can't find the link (Chrome doesn't seem to have
any of my browser history before the start of Jan).  I did a quick scan of
Confreaks and InfoQ and a cursory google search, but nothing seems to ring
a bell.  Chances are that it was a link I followed from a tweet by someone
on here, so I'm hoping someone else remembers it and can dig up the link.

Anyway, the point is that there is research in this area, I just don't
think it's widely publicised, or particularly mature as a field.

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