[LRUG] What do people want to do with their career?

Tom Morris tom at tommorris.org
Wed Mar 28 03:18:10 PDT 2012

On Wednesday, 28 March 2012 at 11:06, Andrew Premdas wrote:
> Whilst I agree that mindset and passion are key things for being a good developer, the idea that you can learn a new language and its frameworks in a month seems pretty arrogant. Perhaps I have a different definition of learning or getting upto speed, but I find it a little disturbing that someone can think they can learn ruby in a month and know it. The same thing applies with technologies my particular beef is people thinking they know how to do TDD or BDD after a month.
> This doesn't just apply to 'rockstar' devs who implicitly understand nosql in a week. This attitude is pervasive in our industry where skills are constantly overstated and at the same time belittled and not appreciated. Sure you can get a sketch of ruby in a month, and you can speed read War and Peace in 20 minutes but if you think you in any way done or even competent with either then your deluded.

When the clients devalue the work (I saw an advert today on the side of a taxi offering websites for £100 and iPhone apps for £400), it's only natural for the skills to get devalued to match the market.

Gresham's law rules supreme. <http://enwp.org/Gresham's_law>  

Tom Morris

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