Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 13:18:08 PST 2013

Hey all,

According to our schedule, the April meeting will be on Monday the 8th and
our May meeting will be on Monday the 13th.  Those paying attention will
notice that this puts the April meeting 2 days after Ruby Manor 4, and the
May one on the actual last day of Scottish Ruby Conf 2013.

I'm not sure either date really will be a problem but I thought I'd check.
 If enough people think they'll have had their fill of Ruby that weekend in
April, or will be super sad to miss an LRUG because of SRC I'll see what
dates are available for moving the meetings.  My preference is that we
don't though and use the opportunity that a lower attendance gives us to
try out something we can't really do with the 100 or so folk that normally
turn up (like a practical evening).

If you have strong feelings let me know and I'll do some BARB style
demographic ratings to work out what everyone else thinks and go with that.


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