[LRUG] [JOBS] Startup looking for a dev ( with stock options )

David Dawson david at woolandthegang.com
Thu May 23 07:31:23 PDT 2013


We are a young established company ( www.woolandthegang.com ) that has just taken on our first round of funding from a very well known VC ( index ventures ), and looking to build a team of developers to work on an exciting new greenfield e-commerce platform with strong social and fashion influences.

The current site is going to be phased out and replaced with responsive single page web app using either backbone or ember, built on top of a Rails Api using the Spree framework.

Because this is a greenfield project you will have a lot of influence on the design and the technology choices, working alongside a team based in north london in fun and relaxed but hardworking environment.

Ideally we are after a permanent mid-level developer and looking to pay around £35-40K + generous stock options, but will also consider contractors.

So if you are either a Ruby developer with good front-end skills, or a Frontend developer with a bit of Ruby knowledge looking to join a fun startup, please get in touch: david at woolandthegang.com

Currently we are not dealing with agencies, so please do not contact me if you are an agency.

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