[LRUG] Senior Rails Developer Available [Now-Feb]

Andy Croll andy at goodscary.com
Tue Nov 12 06:25:56 PST 2013

Hi all

Beware, am about to self-plug.

I’ve just become available for contract work from now until mid-Feb. Remote greatly preferred, but half/half could work. Got a prototype needs building? Code review required? Got a huge feature backlog? Need someone who can start right now?


I’m a designer/developer. From visual design/UX to front-end HTML/CSS/JS to back-end (mostly in Ruby on Rails).

I’ve led a team (as CTO) and maintained a hands-on designer/developer role at http://impulseflyer.com for the last two years (and am still doing some work to keep the tech lights on). I worked alongside Pivotal Labs in Singapore on the relaunch of viki.com, at the time it was doing about 8 million uniques/month and it was a live switchover (bad idea, but worked out!). I’ve also designed a few iOS apps, I’m just getting into the programming side of that.

I started and ran South East Asia’s first Ruby Conference, http://reddotrubyconf.com in 2011 & 2012. It was great but incredibly life/financially stressful.

Also, last year I wrote a book on HTML email (we sent a lot as part of IF) http://www.fivesimplesteps.com/products/html-email and am writing a couple more: http://buildingapisbook.com & http://railsonherokubook.com.

LinkedIn - uk.linkedin.com/in/andycroll/
Blog - andycroll.com


Email and phone below.

Andy Croll
andy at goodscary.com

http://andycroll.com | @andycroll

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