[LRUG] [JOBS] Help with AngularJS + Rails

Agustin Viñao agustinvinao at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 06:23:11 PST 2014

A new post:

AngularJS form validations using Rails model's defined validations, with a
code example how we can use those validations in rails to the AngularJS
without write all again in our form.

Code example:

Agustin Viñao

*Paradox*: Life is a mystery. Don't waste time trying to figure it out. /
*Humor*: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength
beyond all measure. / *Change*: Know that nothing stays the same.
Web Developer - Ruby - Javascript

m: agustinvinao at gmail.com
t: http://twitter.com/agustinvinao
w: http://www.agustinvinao.com
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On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 6:17 AM, Paul Jackson <pjackson at mbs-projects.com>wrote:

> Great post Agustin. As someone getting up to speed with Angular/Rails, I
> found this simple, practical example really useful.
> Paul
> On 21 Jan 2014, at 19:34, Agustin Viñao <agustinvinao at gmail.com> wrote:
> After I saw all this comments I wrote a post in my blog explaining how to
> move something in your Rails app to an AngularJS app.
> The example I'm using for this time only consumes and renders data, you
> can see this example working here
> http://opendatamdq.com.ar/providers/singlepage.
> http://blog.agustinvinao.com/post/74084133569/rails-angularjs-a-generic-approach
> This post covers:
>    - Create the AngularJS app
>    - Prepare your rails app
>    - Define all routes your AngularJS is going to use.
>    - Define Models/Controllers in your AngularJS app.
>    - Define your AngularJS view and render data.
> My example uses many other things like filters, directives, etc but for
> now I've started with the most generic things you need to understand to use
> AngularJS. In this case my approach is try to avoid massive changes in my
> rails code and do ir all I can to divide my Rails app and my AngularJS app.
> Thanks and sorry if my english is not good enough, is not my natural
> language.
> If anyone have any questions, please let me know.
> --
> --
> Agustin Viñao
> *Paradox*: Life is a mystery. Don't waste time trying to figure it out. /
> *Humor*: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a
> strength beyond all measure. / *Change*: Know that nothing stays the same.
> Web Developer - Ruby - Javascript
> m: agustinvinao at gmail.com
> t: http://twitter.com/agustinvinao
> w: http://www.agustinvinao.com
> g: http://github.com/agustinvinao
> l: http://ar.linkedin.com/in/agustinvinao
> f: http://www.facebook.com/saltoaciegas
> g+: http://profiles.google.com/agustinvinao
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Don Werve <don at werve.net> wrote:
>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 18:55 , David Burrows <david at designsuperbuild.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Jasim, just catching up on this thread, thanks for the extensive notes,
>> massively useful - you should put this up somewhere (blog, company site,
>> whatever) people ask me about Rails/Angular all the time and would love to
>> be able to point them at this.
>> I second that, and as an added bonus will tweet the hell out of it to my
>> massive following of ~ 300 people. It's an excellent write-up.
>> There's definitely a need for more people that work with Angular to post
>> best practices and real-world production pitfalls and solutions.
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