[LRUG] [ANN] November meeting details

Murray Steele murray.steele at lrug.org
Fri Oct 24 07:43:16 PDT 2014

Hi there,

If you’ve been waiting at your email client for the details of the next
LRUG meeting then this is your lucky day!  Here they are:

Monday 10th November, 6:30pm (doors at 6pm) @ Skills Matters office on
Goswell Road.

You can (and must) register with our hosts Skills Matter here:

We’ll have 3 talks:

"Julia - Fast and Dynamic” by Avik Sengupta
"Peas - A Docker and Ruby based PaaS" Tom Buckley-Houston
“Going freelance as a junior developer” by Damilola Odelola

You can get more details on these talks, and the meeting in general on our
lovely site here: http://lrug.org/meetings/2014/10/24/november-2014-meeting/

And if that’s not enough you can do lanyrdy things with the meeting over at
lanyrd: http://lanyrd.com/2014/lrug-november/


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