[LRUG] Women Who Code - August RoR Workshop

Claire Tran claire at womenwhocode.com
Wed Jul 1 05:23:51 PDT 2015

Hi Everyone!

Hope you've all been well :)

It's been a while, but we're scheduling another Ruby on Rails workshop for
Women Who Code in August (August 25th) at the new skillsmatter office.

Just sending this around to see if anyone is interested in helping out as a
Also if anyone is interested in giving a presentation? I'm hoping to have a
beginner and an intermediate/advanced talk.

We will be organising the tables into groups so coaches can be at each
table with attendees. Attendees will be grouped by skill level to encourage
more interaction

If you are interested, just let me know :)
Google form - http://goo.gl/forms/V6t8hDFfLo

The link to the event is on meetup with 60 signed up!




Claire Tran
Women Who Code | London City Lead
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