[LRUG] The puzzling phenomenon of the Rails dev who hardly knows Ruby

Ben Lovell benjamin.lovell at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 07:52:07 PDT 2016

On 6 July 2016 at 15:32, Leonardo Saraiva <vyper at maneh.org> wrote:

> I see many people asking and using active record for search, persist...
> but does not know "nothing" about SQL.

I find this an absolutely fantastic enabler. It's great (to this humble
guy, at least) that someone can come along with little-to-no programming
knowledge - and with some basic guidance - build something meaningful with
Rails and Ruby. This is just one reason why programmes such as RailsGirls
are so successful in capturing the minds of newcomers to programming.

> On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Jon Wood <jon at ninjagiraffes.co.uk> wrote:
>> I can't speak to the mythical Rails developer who doesn't know Ruby, but
>> I do have quite frequent frustrating conversations with my brother who
>> hacks things together in C#. They tend to involve him complaining that some
>> seemingly trivial problem is far to complex to solve, and invariably it
>> turns out his approach of searching Stack Overflow for answers vaguely
>> similar but never attempting to understand them means he doesn't understand
>> the fundamentals. He's the C# equivalent of a Rails developer who can hook
>> up models, but wouldn't even know that model classes can inherit from
>> things other than ActiveRecord::Base, and in both cases its caused by not
>> having the time and/or motivation to look into how things actually work.
>> On Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 15:08 gvim <gvimrc at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I hear of this a lot - the Rails dev who hardly knows Ruby and I'm left
>>> scratching my head. How on earth can anyone become proficient in a
>>> complex framework like Rails without understanding the language it's
>>> written in?
>>> Someone please enlighten me.
>>> gvim
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> --
> Att,
> Leonardo Saraiva
> ........__Ô                 "chuva-ou-sol,
> ....._ \ >_                 peda-lã-moi-gual"
> ....(_) / (_)                (Tássia Arouche)
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