[LRUG] OT: Programming services for businesses in mid-sized towns

gvim gvimrc at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 18:21:33 PDT 2016

Given that programming is a skill which is relevant to businesses of any 
size regardless of location why is it that programming vacancies are 
almost exclusively concentrated in the major cities? What do mid-sized 
business in, say, Ipswich do when they need a programmer?

I ask because I plan to leave London in the next few years and live more 
in a more rural area but the prospects of finding work look bleak unless 
you're prepared to commute to the nearest city.

This phenomenon also extends to the choice of programming language. 
According to job postings by title at www.indeed.co.uk once you look 
outside London the relative dominance of Java, PHP and JS is much more 


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