[LRUG] [JOBS] Ruby dev with specialism in data analysis

Rory Sinclair rory at asmallworld.net
Fri Sep 30 02:10:10 PDT 2016

Hi folks, 

My current gig (https://asw.com) are looking for an engineer to fulfil essentially two roles within the Technology team - one as another engineer on the team, developing, maintaining and extending our product and platform (which is kind of nice to work on - newer microservices hooked together via RPC, which we're moving to from a legacy monolithic API, interesting cross-platform client library tech, etc) - the other is a specialism in data analysis, diving deep on our data, bringing new insights to the business, and perhaps integrating with third-party systems such as Business Intelligence tools etc.

We are a fully-remote team with engineers, qa, product and business folks spread all over the world.  Our API platform supports clients on web, iOS and Android, and is built on Ruby, Java, PerconaDB, Redis, Sphinx (legacy) and ElasticSearch (the new hotness).

The product is an online and offline private members club, offering social networking, hosted events around the world and member privileges (discounts, special perks etc) to luxury brands and services.

If this sounds interesting, please drop me a line.  And please, no recruiters.


Rory Sinclair | Head of Technology
Bellerivestrasse 241 | CH-8008 Zurich
rory.sinclair at asw.com (mailto:rory.sinclair at asw.com) | www.asw.com (https://www.asw.com)

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