[LRUG] Looking for a short-term contract (1-3 weeks) starting Monday September 4th

Alex Balhatchet alex at balhatchet.net
Mon Aug 21 08:04:44 PDT 2017


I hope this isn't too off-topic for the list. I've seen a few jobs postings
going around so I thought I'd try it the other way around, so to speak.

I'm looking for a short-term contract (1-3 weeks) starting Monday September
4th, which could potentially stretch into October. You can find my full CV
here: http://alex.balhatchet.net/cv.pdf

My ideal team would be based in London, writing high quality well-tested
Ruby code for a web or mobile app product. My experience includes geodata,
internationalisation, ecommerce, A/B testing, metrics, ETL, intern and
junior dev hiring and mentorship, scaling and performance, operations, and
continuous integration. On teams I tend to be "the SQL guy", the "the ops
guy", and "the git rebase guy" :-)

Email me off list if you have something that might be a good fit, or if you
want to ask any follow up questions.


- Alex
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