[LRUG] [JOBS] New Year, new job? (Contract or Perm)

Dan Jacobs dan at danjacobs.com
Tue Dec 18 06:51:55 PST 2018

Hello Everyone,

I'm CTO at www.trx.tv and we're on the hunt again for some full-stack
senior rails developers.

TRX is a TV industry B2B startup (just over three years old), well
funded and with some excellent clients including BBC, Sky, Lionsgate,
Studio Canal.  We're a super friendly team of around 25 staff working
out of Somerset House.  Our mission is to solve some significant
problems in the industry whilst having fun.

We're agile but not overly heavy on agile process.  My philosophy is
small teams of experienced developers and to give a lot of autonomy to
the team.  We're currently growing from four to six devs.

We have a robust rails app with a high-quality codebase with decent
test coverage and philosophy of minimising tech debt as we go.  We're
currently shipping once or twice a week but would ideally be doing

Our Stack: Rails, React + Redux, AWS

Our values: Test first, Everyone is DevOps, Lots of pairing. MVP all
features, consensus decision making, everyone works across the app.

Other things to note:

4.5 day work week (half-day Fridays).

Decent pay*, equity for perms + healthcare + good pension.
(*circa £600pd contract / £70-£80k perm)

No thanks agencies.

Drop me an email or give me a call if you want to chat more.

Merry Xmas


07956 246 659

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