[LRUG] [EVENT] The Fulfilled Developer on 20th March 2019

Murtaza Gulamali murtaza at thoughtbot.com
Sat Mar 9 02:04:16 PST 2019

Hi everyone! 👋

I hope you're all having a relaxing weekend. We're running an event on
Wednesday 20th March from 6:30pm in central London, and we think that some
of you might find it interesting. We've brought together a panel, from
enterprise to start-up, to discuss a difficult subject - how can we all be
fulfilled at work?

Some of the questions that we'll be discussing are,
* How do you identify a fulfilled team?
* What's my responsibility to fix?
* How do I ensure my whole team is energised?

Please checkout the following link for more details:

We'd love to see you there!

Best wishes,
Murtaza Gulamali
thoughtbot (London)
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