[LRUG] [ANN] May 2019 meeting (partial) details

Murray Steele murray.steele at lrug.org
Thu May 9 14:43:43 PDT 2019

Hi again,

We’ve confirmed another talk for our May meeting on the 20th:

John Cinnamond is going to talk to us about “Monoids”

There’s more on his talk at http://lrug.org/meetings/2019/may/.

We should have details of our 3rd and final talk sorted shortly.  Thanks to
everyone that volunteered something: we can’t do LRUG without you!

If you were just about to submit something please still do so.  We see no
reason not to have LRUG meetings every month until the sun swallows the
earth so we’ll find a slot for you eventually (but almost certainly in the
next couple of months).

See you all on the 20th!



On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 23:05, Murray Steele <murray.steele at lrug.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Our next meeting is on Monday 20th May, hosted by Skills Matter at Code
> Node which is nestled on South Place between Liverpool Street and Moorgate
> stations.  Doors open at 6pm, the meeting starts at 6:30pm and we aim to
> finish by 8pm.
> The more astute of you will have noticed that this is a week later than
> our usual schedule of the second Monday of the month.  There was a booking
> conflict with a paid event at Skills Matter so we moved by a week.  Our
> June meeting will be back on schedule on Monday 10th June.
> For our May meeting we have one talk lined up:
> Pablo Brasero Moreno will be telling us how he’s "Getting the next
> generation into coding”
> This won’t fill the alloted time though, so please do get in touch if
> you’ve got something you’d like to share with the group.  If you don’t I
> guess I could do a dramatic reading of the commit messages from rails.
> While that might be funny for a couple of minutes, I guarantee it’d drag on
> for a full hour, so you don’t want me to do that.  Reply directly to me, or
> talks at lrug.org if you’ve got something and we’ll sort it all out.
> The rest of the meeting details, including more about Pablo’s talk and
> more info on getting in touch if you’d like to volunteer to fill the
> agenda, can be found at http://lrug.org/meetings/2019/may/
> Once you’ve read all that you can register to attend by:
> 1. Reading our code of conduct at: http://readme.lrug.org#code-of-conduct
> 2. Registering with our hosts at:
> https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/11952-lrug
> Hope to see you all there!
> Cheers,
> Murray
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