[LRUG] [CFP] February lightning talks (and beyond)

Murray Steele murray.steele at lrug.org
Thu Dec 24 00:40:59 PST 2020

Hi folks,

Our first meeting of 2021 is on Monday January 11th (see my last email for
but that’s not where it ends.  We have our February lightning talk meeting
coming up on Monday February 8th where all the talks are 10 minutes or
less, and then we follow that up with normal meetings where we can
accommodate longer (25 or 40 minute) talks too on Monday March 8th, Monday
12th April, Monday 10th May, etc…. Given the times we live in, it’s very
likely we’ll still be remote for all of these.

For anyone wondering about speaking at LRUG we’re open to all offers of
talks.  We prefer technical talks about ruby, but we’re all developers so
if it’s not directly about ruby, but it’s something you think is of
interest to rubyists we’d still love to hear it.

If you’re struggling to think of ideas here’s a few free ones:

* rails 6.1 - this came out a few weeks ago, there’s a bunch of new stuff
in it, how about you give us an overview of all these new features, or pick
one to go really deep on?
* ruby 3 - this is likely to come out in the next few days, like rails 6.1
there’s a bunch of new features and additions to the stdlib, so why not
tell us about them?  Maybe there’s another talk in all the experiments that
were in ruby 2.7 but *didn’t* make it into ruby 3.0 too?
* Hotwire.dev - Basecamp just dropped a new set of things extracted from
how they built hey.com - it’s likely this will inform future versions of
rails so it’s of interest to most of us.  How about a talk explaining what
the approach Hotwire promotes is, or exploring the turbo and/or stimulus
* your favourite stdlib method - in a similar vein to Chris Zetter waaay
back in 2017 (see:
https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/11029-splitting-strings) how about
picking a single stdlib method (or class if you want a *little* more scope)
and explaining it in depth

What should be obvious here is that we don’t need experts to give these
talks.  At least 3 of these are about exploring things that have just been
released so none of us can be experts on these things yet (unless you
happen to be a rails-core, ruby-core, or basecamp employee).

We’ve girded the talks at lrug.org inbox in preparation of the overwhelming
volume of submissions we expect.  Don’t make us regret pre-ordering all
that compute and storage time.


Murray & the rest of the LRUG organising team!
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