[LRUG] [ANN] January 2020 meeting details

Murray Steele murray.steele at lrug.org
Mon Jan 6 14:49:09 PST 2020

Hi all,

Welcome to 2020 with this reminder that we’re meeting next Monday, the 13th
of January, at the GoCardless office on Goswell Road.

We’ve confirmed another volunteer: Fred Cheung is going to show us how to
get started with mruby, the embedded ruby you can run on tiny computers.

More details here: http://lrug.org/meetings/2020/january/ and you can
register via eventbrite at

See you there!


On Tue, 24 Dec 2019 at 19:32, Murray Steele <murray.steele at lrug.org> wrote:

> Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
> Our next meeting is on Monday 13th January and will be hosted by
> GoCardless at their offices on Goswell Road.
> As usual, doors at 6pm for a 6:30pm start, and we aim to finish up the
> talks by 8pm so we can swap our formal attire for more relaxed garments and
> visit a local pub.
> Our theme for January is “Ruby Talent Show”, e.g. “what are you doing with
> ruby that’s not making websites”.  So far we have 3 confirmed volunteers:
> * “Ruby on the Big Screen” - Steve Butterworth is going to show us ruby
> powering giant LED screens using in golf championships
> * “Re-interpreting Data” - Murray Steele is going to show us how to change
> the type of a file and see or hear what’s going on in them
> * “Ruby’s a critic” - Nuno Silva is going to show us how to get ruby
> giving you code quality reports like codeclimate, from the comfort of your
> own CI
> We’re waiting for a couple of other volunteers to confirm, but there’s
> still space for you to show off something you’ve been doing with ruby
> that’s a bit out of the ordinary.  It’d be enough to just show us some code
> and what it does for 5 minutes, no need for slides or anything more
> complicated!  Get in touch with us on talks at lrug.org if you want a slot.
> Not content with providing us a venue to host our meeting, GoCardless are
> also providing some food and drink for us too.  Many thanks to them for
> being so nice.
> More details on the volunteers, the venue, and everything January 2020
> LRUG meeting related can be found at
> http://lrug.org/meetings/2020/january/
> If you want to come you should:
> 1. Read http://readme.lrug.org/#code-of-conduct so you know the standard
> of behaviour we expect from you all
> 2. Register to attend via eventbrite at:
> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/london-ruby-user-group-january-2020-meeting-tickets-87064719921
> Finally, remember that in Februrary we will be having our traditional
> "Lightning Talks” evening. This event has always been great fun and well
> attended and we hope the one in 2020 will be the same. The night is devoted
> to talks of no more than 10 minutes, and because we’ll have time to fit a
> lot of them in we tend to have a wide range of topics - all things of
> interest to Rubyists but not always about Ruby! Have a look at this year's
> line-up (http://lrug.org/meetings/2019/february/) for inspiration. Get in
> touch with us at talks at lrug.org if you'd like to speak at this event.
> See you in 2020!
> Cheers,
> Murray & the rest of LRUG the organising team
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