[LRUG] Managed Hosting (UK Based)

James Turley jamesturley1905 at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 23 07:47:56 PDT 2020

Indeed, if managed Kubernetes is 'managed enough' then also consider
DigitalOcean which has a London region and a pretty low friction
managed-k8s offering (you get a one-click prometheus/grafana install which
is pretty indispensable for monitoring in k8sland). Of course, beware that
you're opting into a very complex and rapidly changing ecosystem in that
case and getting to that 'my own private Heroku' experience that has always
been the dream is incredibly difficult.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 12:10 PM Andrew McDonough <
andrew at andrewmcdonough.com> wrote:

> Note that GCE (Google *Compute* Engine) is Google's Infrastructure as a
> Service (IaaS) offering, so more similar to Amazon's EC2 or VPS providers
> like Digital Ocean/Linode, and so you'll probably still need
> Ansible/Puppet/Chef/Salt to configure your instances, unless you set up by
> hand (not recommended
> <https://martinfowler.com/bliki/SnowflakeServer.html>). Google does have
> a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering called App Engine
> <https://cloud.google.com/appengine/> (GAE), which is more similar to
> things like Heroku, and means you don't need to manage the instances
> yourself. In all honesty though, I've always felt like App Engine and AWS's
> equivalent offering Elastic Beanstalk are both poor implementations of a
> PaaS and best avoided. If you can get away with the data being in Ireland,
> I would recommend sticking with Heroku. If the data needs to be in the UK,
> EngineYard have a good reputation, or it might be worth containerising your
> app and running it on AWS Fargate or GKE - there is a bit more of a
> learning curve, but it beats managing servers with Ansible etc and will
> give you lots of additional benefits as you scale.
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew McDonough
> andrew at andrewmcdonough.com
> https://www.andrewmcdonough.com
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewmcdonough
> https://twitter.com/andrewmcdonough
> On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 at 11:52, Sasha Gerrand <
> chat-lists.lrug.org at sgerrand.com> wrote:
>> Note that Google's Cloud Engine is available in London (the relevant
>> region is europe-west2):
>> https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones?hl=en
>> (Hi Murray!)
>> On Wed, 23 Sep 2020, 09:01 Murray Steele, <murray.steele at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm mostly interested in something that runs as much of the
>>> infrastructure as possible for me, and the only services I know for doing
>>> that are Heroku or maybe Google Cloud Engine (I've never used it so I don't
>>> know how it compares), neither of which have an actual based-in-the-UK
>>> service zone as far as I'm aware.
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