[LRUG] Objects that are neither classes nor records but something in between

Tim Cowlishaw tim at timcowlishaw.co.uk
Tue Jun 22 07:43:28 PDT 2021

Hi there folks! Hope you're all doing well.

I've just run into a problem / conundrum / anti-pattern / code smell that
seems to recur fairly frequently in projects I've worked on of late, and
which i'm not really sure how to name in order to search for an existing
solution, so i figured I'd post it here in case anyone has some sensible
advice, or in the hope that it provokes some interesting discussion, at

The problem basically arises when there's some 'object' in my system (using
this word in the vaguest possible sense for now) which has both *data* (so
fields that can be updated through an API or webapp, and which should
probably be stored in a database row), but also has a one-to-one
correspondence with a specific bit of behaviour, expressed as code.

An example:

I'm currently working on  a project which is a digital library. It contains
lots of Books:

class Book < Struct.new(:id, :title, :author, :content); end

Users can buy access to these books either individually (all books are the
same price), or by buying a subscription to the whole library. Forgetting
the DB / ORM side of this for a sec, i'd model a toy implementation of what
i want to do something like the following:

class User
  def initialize(purchases=[])
    @purchases = purchases
   attr_reader :purchases

   def has_access_to?(book)
     purchases.any? { |p| p.grants_access_to?(book) }

class Purchase < Struct.new(:product)
  def grants_access_to?(book)

class Product
  def self.price
   raise NotImplementedError

  def self.name
    raise NotImplementedError

  def grants_access_to?(book)
    raise NotImplementedError

class OneOffPurchase < Purchase
  def initialize(book)
    @book = book
  attr_reader :book

  def self.price

  def self.name
    "A single book"

  def grants_access_to?(other_book)
    book.id == other_book.id

def Subscription < Purchase
  def self.price

  def self.name
    "All inclusive special subscription"

  def grants_access_to?(book)

This all to me looks reasonably sensible so far, but i also want those
product names and prices to be editable by site admins through our
'backoffice' webapp, so they need to be stored in the DB, and this is where
I have trouble finding a solution i'm happy with. Naively I could have an
ActiveRecord type object and a fairly simple dispatch mechanism to the code
that works out the permissions, but this has some fairly obvious flaws:

class Product < Struct.new(:unique_key, :name, :price, :book)
  def grants_accesss_to?(other_book)
     if unique_key = :one_off && book.present?
       book.id == other_book.id
   elsif unique_key == :one_off
      raise "oops! we're in a totally inconsistent state
    elsif unique_key == :subscription && book.present?
       raise "yep, this makes absolutely no sense either"
    elsif unique_key == :subscription
     raise "this isn't even a real product type. hopeless."

aside from all the brittleness and smells that you can see above, this is
also kinda useless in a bunch of respects - we can't add new product types
without making a change to the codebase, we have to do a bunch of
convoluted validation to avoid all the various possible inconsistent states
we can get into above, and our codebase is tightly coupled to the value of
that unique_key database field, which i'm very suspicious of?

Therefore, anyone got any smart ideas about how to do this better? The
requirements I'm looking to fulfil, in summary:

1) A  product has a specific 'strategy' for granting access to a book for a
user, expressed as  ruby code
2) A product has a price and name that is editable as data through our web
app's admin interface

And, in general, i'd be interested to know -  is there a name for this type
of (anti-)pattern - Types of things that refuse to sensibly sit in the
domain of software classes or Database fields? Does any of this even make
any sense? I'm not so sure myself anymore.

Any thoughts gratefully received!


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