[LRUG] [ANN] Feburary lightning talks meeting details

Frederick Cheung frederick.cheung at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 14:04:22 PST 2022

Hi all,

Hot on the heels of our January quiz event, it's time to start
thinking about February, which as ever is our lightning talks event.

The February meeting will be a zoom meeting on Monday 21st February -
please note this a break from our usual second monday of the month

We're looking for more talks, so please do get in touch at
talks at lrug.org if you're interested. Some starter ideas:

- interesting things in rails 7
- a new feature of ruby 3.1 that you like
- underappreciated parts of the stdlib
- a fun debugging story

In previous years we've had everything from ternary computers to
managing remote teams and contributing to open source, so do drop us a
line - we're friendly and we'll help you polish that idea into a great

The virtual doors open at 6.20 and we'll get the meeting underway
around 6.30 and we should be finished by 8pm. Some of us will hang out
on the zoom call after the meeting past 8pm if you'd like to keep
chatting ruby.

More details about the February meeting on
https://lrug.org/meetings/2022/february and you can secure your place
via eventbrite at

Please have a read through our code of conduct
(https://readme.lrug.org/#code-of-conduct) so that you know what is
expected of attendees.



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