[LRUG] [ANN] July meeting details

Frederick Cheung frederick.cheung at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 08:36:30 PDT 2023

Last reminder I promise! The next LRUG meeting is on Monday, at 6pm -
signup here:



On Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 5:59 PM Frederick Cheung <frederick.cheung at gmail.com>

> Hi Everyone,
> just a reminder that our July meetup is *next monday*, at Credit Spring's
> offices. Grab those tickets while they're hot! They're also still just time
> to propose a talk - perhaps you were at Brighton ruby last week & all the
> talks there got you thinking about something? We'd love to hear from you -
> talks at lrug.org
> Cheers,
> Fred
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 9:24 PM Frederick Cheung <
> frederick.cheung at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Sorry for the tardiness of this email but we can finally confirm details
>> of our July meeting, which will be on Monday 10th July, at Creditspring's
>> offices need Bond Street. As usual we'll be opening the doors at 6pm, with
>> the talks starting at 6.30.
>> We have one talk confirmed so far:
>> - Dan Hough will be talking to us about Ruby to solve homelessness and
>> the refugee crises.
>> There's still time for you to volunteer a talk too - if you've got
>> something to say we'd love to here from you. Drop us a line at
>> talks at lrug.org and we'll take it from there. There's also plenty of
>> slots free in subsequent months if our July meeting is too soon.
>> You can find full details of the meeting at
>> https://lrug.org/meetings/2023/july/
>> If you wish to attend, please read our code of conduct at
>> https://readme.lrug.org and then register on eventbrite (
>> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/london-ruby-user-group-july-2023-meeting-tickets-668292700457).
>> After the meeting itself we'll decamp to a nearby pub where the ruby chat
>> will continue to flow.
>> Cheers,
>> Fred & the rest of the organising team.
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