Murray Steele murray.steele at lrug.org
Mon Jun 26 14:14:56 PDT 2023

Hi all,

We’re hoping to announce the July meeting details soon, but the major
stumbling block to doing that is we don’t have a venue.  We got some
responses to the last email, but they all wanted more notice for booking,
and so while we _might_ be ok for August + September, we still need
somewhere for July.

We’d need the sapce on Monday 10th July from around 6pm and would aim to be
done by 8pm (although, given we currently only have one talk lined up,
probably much earlier).  We’d expect no more than 50 attendees given the
short notice, but yoiu never know.  While it’s nice to have some food +
drink provided by the venue sponsor it’s by no means an expectation or
requirement, so don’t let a lack of entertainment budget stop you!

If you have a space that might be suitable for us do let us know.  A quick
reply to this email or organisers at lrug.org would be useful, but also
filling out our survey at
to give us all the details woulnd’t hurt.

Can you help?

Please help!

Even if you can’t support us in July please do still get in touch - we have
meetings each month and we’re always keen to see new office spaces.


Murray & the rest of the organising team
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