[LRUG] Fwd: Next Meeting
Tiest Vilee
ruby at tiestvilee.fastmail.com.au
Sun Apr 2 11:30:07 PDT 2006
I've set up a group in upcoming.org
there you will find an event with a limit of 35 registrants for the
10th. If people think I should be a little more forward about who the
special guest is, I can edit it, but at this stage I thought I'd leave
it like that, since we don't have a lot of room. Any other
suggestions/comments? Thought I'd get it up and then use small
iterations to hone in on a good solution :)
Let's see how it goes, anyway.
We had a pretty good night on Thursday, though I forgot my TShirt so it
was a bit hard to work out who the Ruby people were :)
On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 18:46:11 +0100, "Dean Wilson" <ruby at unixdaemon.net>
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 07:08:57AM +0100, Tiest Vilee wrote:
> > Dean Wilson has kindly found us a venue for the 10th, and he was
> > wondering if we could have a signup page so he can know the numbers
> > likely to attend.
> If no one objects we can use the Fotango offices for the evening, we've
> held London Perl Monger and Linux user groups meeting there in the past
> so
> some of you may have already seen them.
> Tiest mentioned the start time would be about 18:30. We'll need to be out
> by 20:30 but there are a couple of large pubs within five minutes walk, a
> Wetherspoons and a LittenTree.
> Address: Fotango Ltd.
> 64 Ironmonger Row
> London
> EC1V 3QR
> United Kingdom
> Directions: http://london.pm.org/meetings/locations/fotango.html
> I'll see if I can get a signup page put up somewhere in the next day or
> so.
> Dean
> --
> Dean Wilson http://www.unixdaemon.net
> Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
> --- Anon
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And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
-- Shelley
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