[LRUG] Introducing myself

Eleanor eleanor at goth-chic.org
Fri May 5 13:46:17 PDT 2006

On 4 May 2006, at 06:54, Tiest Vilee wrote:
>> .... bizarre belief that's growing up amongst many
>> techies I deal with that Ruby is "one of those weird navel-gazing
>> languages like Lisp" which always makes me laugh :)
> laugh!  makes me cry - why won't people even have a look at something
> before casting judgment?

I had a senior consultant suggest I look into REST (cf. http:// 
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REST for those who've never met the term) the  
other day, obviously oblivious to the fact that this is the RoR  
approach to web apps. Sometimes I wonder if we aren't so far ahead of  
the curve that trying to talk with the rest of the IT world is a lost  
cause ;)

> Maybe we should put together a site 'Ruby for Boring people' that
> doesn't talk about meta-programming - jst boring java like stuff!!

As I'm starting a dual-track development with some J2EE folks where  
we're implementing identical systems in Java and Ruby respectively I  
may well end up doing something along these lines this summer. A lot  
of my work will be open sourced towards the end of the year, and  
there'll be a dev community to host these kinds of documents in which  
I'm hoping to use for hosting Ruby resources but the details of that  
are still under discussion.


Eleanor McHugh
Systems Developer
eleanor at telnic.org.uk

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