[LRUG] Fwd: BOF sessions wih LRUG at No Fluff Just Stuff eXchange, London

Martin Sadler mtsbtt at googlemail.com
Tue May 29 08:12:28 PDT 2007

Interesting.  I think this would be pretty cool to do.  I guess it  
depends on how we pitch it
/ audience expectations.

I know there was a Rails track at QCon that was held a while back.  
For those who attended
what was the general consensus from Java developers on Ruby?

The kind of questions I reckon that Java developers would like to get  
answered are:
"How did you go from Ruby to Java? What are the hurdles? What kind of  
stuff are you doing?
What changes has it meant for you?" and so on...

My first thought is to have a panel of recent Java to Ruby converts  
backed up by some
more experienced Rubyists. We could then do a series of lightening  
talks complimented
with questions from the audience to the panel.


On 29 May 2007, at 11:56, Murray Steele wrote:

> Skills Matter are hosting No Fluff, Just Stuff (a big Java  
> conference) in London later this year.  They've asked if we'd like  
> to run a Birds of a Feather session on one of the evenings.  It's  
> not entirely random as a lot of the sessions at NFJS will be about  
> agile practices and a few will be about JRuby and scripting.
> That said, I'm not entirely sure what a LRUG Java-focused BoF  
> session might entail beyond being smug about XML configuration  
> files and the depth of exception traces in J2EE, and that doesn't  
> sound particularly helpful or friendly.
> So, does anyone else have a good idea for a java / ruby / agile  
> focused BoF session and (most importantly) want to run it?
> Muz
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Joanna Go <joanna.go at skillsmatter.com>
> Date: 23-May-2007 11:22
> Subject: BOF sessions wih LRUG at No Fluff Just Stuff eXchange, London
> To: Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com>
> Hi Murray,
> I hope all is well!
> Skills Matter is co-organising the first No Fluff Just Stuff in London
> called the No Fluff Just Stuff (NFJS) eXchange.  I'm not sure whether
> you are familiar with NFJS in the States (more info here:
> http://www.nofluffjuststuff.com).  It's basically a series of
> conferences that travel throughout the US where delegates can learn  
> and
> talk with industry experts and other delegates, as well as see real
> world case studies and delve into hands-on code about the latest
> developments in Java and Agile practices.  It's very popular in the
> States and the first one in the UK will be held on August 29th-31st.
> More on the NFJS eXchange can be found here: (http://www.nfjs- 
> exchange.com).
> The reason I'm asking whether LRUG would be interested in hosting a  
> Session at the eXchange is because we are going to have a talk on  
> JRuby,
> amongst other sessions.
> On top of that we will be offering local user groups a discount on the
> tickets for the eXchange!  I'll send over more details of that in the
> next coming weeks.
> Do you think either of these things would be of interest to the
> LRUGers?  Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Best Regards,
> Jo
> --
> **Joanna Go**
> Marketing Executive
> *Work:* 0207 1072620
> *Mobile:0797 184 6640*
> *Email:* joanna.go at skillsmatter.com  
> <mailto:joanna.go at skillsmatter.com >
> *Get LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/joannago>*
>                 *Skills Matter Conferences*
> The Grails eXchange 2007 < http://www.grails-exchange.com>
> *October 17th - 19th - The Barbican Centre, London UK*
> Don't miss 3-days of talks on Groovy, Grails, JEE & Ajax/Web 2.0 -  
> with
> speakers from technology leaders such as Google, Interface 21, JBoss,
> Oracle, Skills Matter and Sun!  <http://www.grails-exchange.com>
> *Skills Matter Ltd*
> <http://www.skillsmatter.com/ >1 Sekforde Street
> <http://maps.google.com/maps?q=8+Grafton+Street%2CLondon%2CW1S+4EL% 
> 2CUnited+Kingdom&hl=en >London,
> EC1R 0BE United Kingdom
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