[LRUG] Chat Digest, Vol 36, Issue 11 (Beware of the Nuby)

Matt Wynne matt at mattwynne.net
Fri Jan 23 12:25:38 PST 2009

On 21 Jan 2009, at 10:27, Murray Steele wrote:

> Anyone else have any ideas or thoughts on this?

How about a coding dojo?

We ran one at Songkick the other week[1] and it was terrific fun,  
rotating pairs working at the projector in 10 minute iterations, with  
everyone else heckling.

It's a great chance for newbies to see how experienced hackers think  
about designing their ruby programs, and even get a chance to pair  
with them. Experience people also get a lot out of discussing the  
finer points of the design.

What do you think? I'd quite happily facilitate one at the March  
meeting if people are up for it.


Matt Wynne

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