[LRUG] BBC recruiting for Developers-in-Test

Anthony Green anthony.green at bbc.co.uk
Tue Jun 14 15:08:26 PDT 2011

BBC Future Media is continuing with it's roll out of its 
Developer-in-Test programme whereby highly skilled developers pair with 
current staff to mentor them in TDD at multiple levels.

Those we've managed to recruit so far have had such a impact on the 
productivity that we're looking to take up some additional contractors 
to help distribute these practices across Future Media.

So if you're passionate about XP, are prepared to work with JavaScript, 
PHP or Java, whilst naturally preferring Ruby, Smalltalk, or 
CoffeeScript, then drop myself or Adrian Lewis a email.

Anthony Green
Apprentice Developer in Test : BBC News and Knowledge
Developer Evangelist : Developer Outreach Group
BBC Ruby Group
BBC Future Media

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