[LRUG] BritRuby 2013

Tekin Suleyman tekin at tekin.co.uk
Mon Oct 8 03:47:14 PDT 2012

> On 5 October 2012 05:10, Garry Shutler <garry at robustsoftware.co.uk> wrote:
> I don't think I've seen anything on here but tickets for the inaugural BritRuby conference (Manchester, 15/16th March 2013) have begun going on sale. The early bird tickets have been and gone but the regular priced tickets will go on sale 12th October. Worth putting a date in your diaries if the go anywhere near as fast as the early bird ones did (I missed out).
> I'm sure it'll be a great event,
> but paying 250 quid with very little information, 5 months in advance, doesn't seem like a great value proposition for the self-employed.

Hi Matthew. 

As Paul suggested, it is indeed the same crew (mainly) who put together MagRails last year and it should be a great event. Whilst I do agree with you that it's not ideal putting down this sort of money on a conference with few details, you have to balance that against the risk of potentially missing out as these things tend to sell out fairly rapidly.

If it helps at all, from what I hear they are trying to do something a little different with BritRuby and it will be all-inclusive, i.e. ALL food (lunch and dinner), drink, booze and entertainment will come as part of the ticket price. Don't hold me to that, but I think they'll be confirming more details later this week...

Tekin Suleyman
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