[LRUG] Are coders worth it?

Stephen Strudwick stephen at strud.me.uk
Thu Jun 6 12:27:40 PDT 2013

Yes and no :)

Some coders are not paid nearly enough, others earn more than they deserve.

There is a trend of very young rails devs who only know rails and have a year or 2 experience
but can earn amazing money... 

But they tend to know the framework very very well and for the problems they solve do a good job.
However sooner or later as more people also jump on the bandwagon the pay for that skill set will level out.

I guess for a lot of them when they have to step out of web dev into broader software development they suddenly come
unstuck and build some nasty solutions. This is the learning curve to becoming a good dev but they are getting
paid well to screw up which is unusual.

However a good rails dev with great and diverse development background will make your company and be worth 5 mid
level devs at least :)

Rails development is in a bit of a bubble atm with high demand, but give it a few years and the market will be saturated !


On 6 Jun 2013, at 17:16, Benji Lanyado <benjilanyado at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm sure many of you have read this already, v thought provoking:
> http://www.aeonmagazine.com/living-together/james-somers-web-developer-money/
> The writer (a Ruby dev) essentially, argues that he is overvalued, and that what he does has little meaning. 
> Fwiw, I think he's wrong, but mostly because I think he demonstrates one of the things that troubles me the most about devs (I've only been one for a year): the seemingly permanent succession of talented, interested devs taking jobs they know they won't enjoy, or won't interest/challenge them, purely for the money. The problem, imo, is not an underlying vacuousness of coding itself, but rather a lack of self-worth, and not being able to see the wood from the trees when lotsa money is floated in front on your nose.
> But that's just, like, my opinion. 
> Can we all cuddle now?
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