[LRUG] ⚒️ Freelancer (still) available for work!

Najaf Ali ali.najaf at gmail.com
Thu May 11 20:51:39 PDT 2023

Hi all!

As per the subject line I'm still available for new Ruby/Rails/JS work.
More details available here: https://github.com/Najaf

A few quick notes:

   - Searching for new work in the current climate has been challenging and
   so *I am willing to consider significantly lower rates* than usual in
   order to keep the lights on. Please get in touch directly to discuss
   - Having so much time without work allowed me to catch up with some of
   you back in London. I've had something like forty zoom calls over the past
   few months. It was extremely common to hear about layoffs, freelancers like
   myself with nothing in the pipeline living off savings, and founders trying
   to stretch out their runways for as long as possible.
   - There were many theories as to the reasons for this. SVB + other banks
   collapsing, low interest rates, existential dread over ChatGPT, emperor
   husk firing half the engineering team on the bird site etc were interesting
   candidates and fun to discuss.

Anyhow, I hope you're all well and weathering the current tech hiring
winter better than I am! On the bright side, at least I'm not running a
business that would be heavily impacted by situation like this, like say,
an agency 🤣

If you'd like to discuss the potential for working together then please
email me and we can set up a call in the near future to discuss further.
Also if you'd like to catch up and talk shop then feel free to book
something in using this calendly link:

All the best,

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